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John 17:9

Jesus' last prayer for His disciples showed his deep desire for all believers, both past and present. Prayer is also an example of how all the inspiration of the Spirit of the pastor to pray for their congregations, and how parents should pray for their children. By praying for those who are under our supervision, the greatest concern in our prayer must be:

1. That they may know Christ and His Word in depth (John 17:2-3,17,19)
2. For God to protect them from the world, so they would not go astray by Satan's deception and false teaching (John 17:6,11,14-17)
3. So they always have full joy in Christ (John 17:13)
4. So that they are holy in thought, deed, and nature (Jn 17:17)
5. That they may become one in purpose and fellowship with the Father as Jesus (John 17:11,21-22)
6. So that they can lead others to Christ (John 17:21,23)
7. So that they can continue in faith and ultimately with Christ in heaven (John 17:24)
8. So they always live in love and presence of God (Jn 17:26)

Meditation: In the most critical moment in his life, Jesus is still able to pray for others. What about us, have biological actions of Jesus and makes us part of our lives?
* (Cf. 1 Tim. 2:1-4)

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"Karena itu pergilah, jadikanlah semua bangsa murid-Ku dan baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Anak dan Roh Kudus, dan ajarlah mereka melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu..." Matius 28:19-20.