Church between two options.

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Ezekiel 10: 18-22

Departing from what is experienced by the people of Israel who have a belief that the presence of the Ark of the Covenant is very important in their struggle to confront the Philistines, the Ark of the Covenant has 2 Since the meaning for the people of Israel, which is a blessing and a curse, so anything with God's Church today is faced between 2 options:
1. Curses (1 Samuel 5:6-12), when the Ark of the Covenant in which the Philistines seized an enemy of Israel.Eli died of shock and orphaned grandson who symbolically named Ichabod, which means 'has vanished glory of Israel' (1Sam. 4:21, 22).

2. Thanks to (2 Samuel 6:11-14), when the Ark of the Covenant was in the house of Obed Edom Gadites who
But the vision that Ezekiel received marks that period was over, because the glory of God will leave the Temple. But it does not mark the vision that God will disappear because the same glory once seen by Ezekiel by the river Chebar, where most of the nation of Judah underwent removal as a form of obedience to the will of God.
What can we learn from Ezekiel's vision this time?
1. Guarantee the presence of the glory of God among His people is not determined by the presence or absence of buildings of worship, but is determined by the presence or absence of building loyalty and obedience to God's people to His word. (Rom 6:16; Mikh 6:8; Hosea 11:4)

2. The presence of the glory of God is not always synonymous with human welfare physically. This can be proved where the glory of His presence in the middle of the nation of Judah that are in the humiliation and suffering on the banks of the river Chebar.(Luke 15:11-13; Matthew 19:16-22)

3. Based on the first truth, when the glory of God is not present then that is present in the midst of His people must have the wrath of God (verses 2, 7). God's people do not have a neutral option, but experience the presence of God's glory or suffer the wrath of God's presence. (Philippians 1:9-11; cf. Gen. 13: 8-13)
Meditation: The above truths expressly stated to us that the main priority in the Development of the church God is building His church life of the faithful and obedient to God in all areas of life to the glory of God is always present in the church of God and radiated to the community through the church's existence Him in the midst of society. (Heb 9:24)

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