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John 15:1-8
In this parable, there are two important things pertaining to the Old Testament point of view we need to know.
1. Once again Jesus refers to Himself with I am, an expression that asserts the divinity of His. (Luke 22:70; John 15:16)
2. Jesus refers to Himself as the true Vine. In the Old Testament, Israel is referred to as God's vineyard and the vine also belongs to God (cf. Isa. 5:1-7,10). However, Israel failed to be issuing a vine fruit is good so that God throw it (Jer. 2:21).
The new race God has created, and now is the call of God to them so fruitful. This is what Jesus had in mind: the students residing in Jesus (verses 4,5,6,7) as He was in the disciples (verse 4); His word abide in the disciples (verse 7); the students live in His love (v. 9.10), as He dwells in the love of the Father (verse 10); and, joy of his stay in the disciples (verse 11). Thus, the disciples including us can bear much fruit and show that we are true disciples of Jesus (verse 8). In addition to these appointments, this section also contains a stern warning.
Just as the Father who planted tendril on the vine and the clean up so fruitful, the Father also which will cut off and discard the fruitless branches are. Fruit here could be interpreted as a moral fruit, love and service through which revealed the existence of unity with Jesus. Therefore, the promise that Jesus said "ask what ye will" (Chapter 14:13-14; 15:7,16) must be understood in the sense that the promise is offered to students who live at The Vine in order to produce fruit. (Titus 3:14)
Meditation: The more we dwell in Christ, the orientation of our lives is for God and neighbor, not for yourself.
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