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" Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock "
(Matthew 7:24)
Projects mentioned in Matthew 7:24-29 is the words of Jesus that can be applied to a process that lasts a lifetime, namely development with divine character. His commandments are detailed outlined in the Sermon on the Mount.
There are few parts of the character which involves building a house according to the criteria of the Lord Jesus in Proverbs 24:3,4:
1. Wisdom (Ps 19:7, Ecclesiastes 7:11,12)
According to Proverbs, wisdom is the concrete situation, namely to direct people to act in a good situation. He gave a series of warnings and advice and includes a situational skill.
2. Intelligence (Proverbs 2:11; Daniel 1:17 a)
quickly capture the lessons and understand something; clever; intelligent, industrious, and honest; proficient; competent; skilled,
3. Understanding (Proverbs 3:19; 1 John 5:20; Daniel 1:17 b)
has / can catch; understand / know what is.
When we tried to practice the commands of Jesus, we will certainly face challenges. When we want to obey, we will soon realize that we need the help of someone more powerful and wiser than us. He is Jesus, the Great Architect.
Study the development plan it carefully, and find the wisdom of Jesus. Only He can help you build a house of divine that is strong enough to withstand the storms of life.
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